Helping prople
Lead Healthy Lives
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New Hope For
Near Future
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they just have the heart.
Hunger is stalking the globe

Hunger is stalking the globe

About Anuvridha

About Anuvridha

AnuVridhi is an association of hard core intervention for social and economic empowerment for marginalized communities of India. AnuVradhi is now a globally recognized rural livelihood generating enterprise in the informal economy and impact the lives of vulnerable and marginalised people by addressing health and social inequities. In order to secure economic, social, and legal rights for marginalized communities, AnuVridhi supports the formation of member-based organizations of economically marginalised communities.
Service Areas

Service Areas

What We Do

We Provide


Empowering marginalised community through digital platforms…

We Provide


Market Aligned Skills Training…Ability Based Livelihood…

We Provide

Public Health

Maternal, newborn Child health & nutrition (MNCHN)..

We Provide


Indoor and Outdoor pollution… Waste management….

We Provide

Humanitarian Relief

Migration and refugee management…Natural disaster and…

<span style="color:orange;font-size:28px">Become a Volunteer</span><br>We expand capabilities through Human Development

Become a Volunteer
We expand capabilities through Human Development

raised by 6,388 people in 7 days
raised by 6,388 people in 7 days
volunteers are available to help you
volunteers are available to help you
Give a helping hand for homeless childrens

Give a helping hand for homeless childrens

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Charity activities are taken place around the world

Charity activities are taken place around the world

Donate us now
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Become A Volunteer

Become A Volunteer

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